Colin Dibb
VDC Services Director
An architect with 30 years BIM experience, Colin is responsible for leading the team in delivering a full range of virtual construction BIM services.
Formerly a Senior Associate at HASSELL in the role of BIM Application Specialist, Colin has been responsible for a wide range of projects including retail (IKEA), commercial offices, residential and entertainment complexes. With a career of over 40 years, spanning architectural and construction sectors both in Australia and overseas, Colin’s has considerable skill and knowledge in matching the most appropriate technology to the specific BIM requirements of a particular project.
- Qualification:Bachelor of Architecture (Natal, South Africa)
- Professional experience:Webber & Associates – Director BIM ServicesHASSELL - Senior Associate (National BIM Application Specialist)Spowers Architects - Project ArchitectHarvest Rd - Information Architect / Manager Production, Product DevelopmentDIBB DESIGN - DirectorFRONT END DESIGN - DirectorBuilding Management Authority Of WA - Contract ArchitectHames Sharley Australia - Project Architect / CAD Systems ManagerMed-Design Consultants - Partner Representing MDAMaurice Dibb Associates - PartnerBill Ellens Architect – Architect
- Recent Project Experience:$70M Box Hill ATO, Melbourne$350M Chevron ABU HQ, Perth$80M Crown Casino Extension, Perth$1.75B Fiona Stanley Hospital, Perth$250M Mill Street Offices, Perth$200M One40William, Perth$80M IKEA Perth